Thursday, November 21, 2019

10 Simple Ways to Learn to Love Your Job

10 Simple Ways to Learn to Love Your Job10 Simple Ways to Learn to Love Your JobWhat should you do if the job you thought youd enjoy is turning into something other than you expected? Perhaps your job felt like love at first sight but slowly turned into a struggle, or maybe you accepted it because you needed work but knew the situation wasnt ideal. Either way, its possible to revive your relationship with your job. If youre reading this now, youve already taken the first step Even the best job wont seem so great if your attitude is bad, so the fact that youre seeking ways to improve your outlook means youre already on the right track. 10 Ways to Learn to Love Your Job There are things you can try to help change your perspective. At best, your job may turn into what you expected it to be. At the least, youll know that you tried and you can plan on conducting a job search and moving on. Here are ten simple ways to learn to love your job, even if you dont like it very much at the mo ment. 1.Work With Your Supervisor to Set Goals Work can feel like a real bore if you dont feel like you have something to strive for. Work with your supervisor to set reasonable but inspiring goals that will motivate you and help provide structure and focus for each day. Achieving these goals can also help create leverage for you to negotiate a promotion or a salary increase, or provide leeway to switch teams, departments, or roles down the road. 2. Make a List of Things You Want to Improve Make a list of what aspects of your current job youd like to improve, because you cant begin to solve a schwierigkeit until youve defined it. Take some time to clear your head and step away from any biases or negativity. Then, set a timer for ten minutes, and jot down everything you dont love about your job. Be as specific as possible. Whereas distracting atmosphere or rude coworkers are both too vague to troubleshoot, breaking these down into desk near the elevator makes it hard to focus or Seth in Marketing always shuts down my ideas in meetings can help clarify your next steps. For example, you might talk to your supervisor about potentially moving your desk space or getting approval to work from home one day per week, and maybe you can find a meeting buddy who can help make space for you to express your ideas. 3. Figure out What You Really Love to Do First, think hard about your job and what parts of it you love. Nothing is too big or small for this list. Then, brainstorm a dream job description. If you could wave a magic wand and have any job, what would it be? Finally, look for the overlaps. Consider talking to your supervisor about making these tasks a bigger part of your day-to-day work. If there are no overlaps, you can look into opportunities for transfer within your company. Or, if your dream job description entails responsibilities you arent yet qualified for, its time to make a plan of action to figure out how you might get there. 4. Dont Be Afra id to Ask for Support If you feel overwhelmed, swamped with work, or are struggling with a particular aspect of your job, dont be afraid to consult a trusted co-worker or manager about ways you might be able to find support. See if they can help you figure out ways to delegate work, schedule tasks so your workload is more balanced, or even point you to resources (like training or education) that will make those nightmarish tasks more manageable. 5. Expand Your Network Although it may seem like the challenges you face in your specific role or industry are unique to you, its very likely that others are going through the exact same thing. Make connections in your field by attending industry meet-ups, events, or conferences. This can help build a support system that you can consult or simply commiserate with when times get tough. Note that expanding your network doesnt necessarily have to apply to people outside your company. You can benefit greatly by building relationships with c olleagues in your organization. 6. Make Use of Your Benefits So maybe you dont love your job, but there are probably perks that are easy to love For example, maybe your health insurance covers self-care practices like massage or acupuncture, or you have a technical budget to treat yourself to a new monitor, or your company offers complimentary gym memberships for its employees. There might even be benefits that you arent aware of, so do your due diligence to find out whats on offer and then make it a priority to make use of them. 7. Stay Present Its impossible to love your job if youre mindlessly browsing Facebook, CNN, or Amazon all day. Try to stay present and concentrate on the task at hand. If you simply dont have a lot to do, consider finding a side project to work on. Completing extra projects shows initiative, and will make a positive impression on your supervisor. If you do have a lot to do but just cant concentrate, set increments of focused time and then reward you rself with mini-breaks as you get stuff done. 8. Create a High-Vibe Workspace Give your workspace a make-over get rid of clutter, hang an inspiring quote or some photos of places or people you love, buy a new pen or planner that makes you smile, bring in a pair of headphones so you can listen to your favorite soundtrack, or light an uplifting candle. By creating positive associations with your workspace, youll feel better about coming into work every day. 9. Make a Gratitude List for Your Job Write down all the little and big things youre grateful for, from the coffee shop you stop at on your way into the office to the fact that your job helps you support your family. Studies have shown that listing everything youre grateful for can help you feel more optimistic about your current circumstances. 10. Remind Yourself Why You Took the Job in the First Place Think back to the initial job offer and why you accepted it. Perhaps youre making good money, or youre working for a g ood cause, or your schedule is flexible, or the benefits are great. Even if things have changed since then, keeping in mind why you accepted the job offer (and whats important to you now) can help you navigate your next steps, whether thats taking action to improve your job or preparing a plan to find a new one.

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